Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 at Hazel Grove Primary School!

Meet the Team

Our teaching team includes Mrs Read (who teaches Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs Parker (who teaches Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).

Our class teaching assistant is Miss Brassington.

Our Bookshelf

Our bookshelf texts are:

  • Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne
  • Cyril the Lonely Cloud by Tim Hopgood
  • One Day on our Blue Planet – Savannah by Ella Bailey
  • Sensational! Poems inspired by the five senses chosen by Roger McGough
  • Amelia Earhart: A Kids Book About Flying Against All Odds by Mary Nhin
  • Mae Jemison by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
  • Look Up! By Nathan Bryon
  • We are all Astronauts by Kate Pankhurst


Important Information

  • We are timetabled to have PE every Thursday with Mr Sykes.
  • Home reading books will be changed on a specific day once a week. You will be notified of which day this will be at the start of the academic year. Please sign your child’s reading record every time you listen to them read.
  • We try and read 1:1 with your child during the week. Therefore, please ensure that your child brings their bookbag into school every day.
  • Spellings are sent home at the start of each half term, focusing on high frequency words and common exception words. Spelling rules and patterns will be taught in class.