Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 at Hazel Grove Primary School!

Meet the Team

Our teaching team includes Mrs Travis and Miss Davey (Class Teachers), and Mrs Whelan (Teaching Assistant).

Our Bookshelf

Our bookshelf texts are:

  • Jim and the Beanstalk – Raymond Briggs
  • Detective Dog – Julia Donaldson
  • Martha maps it out – Leigh Hodgkinson
  • The Storm Whale – Benji Davies
  • Dear Earth – Isabel Otter
  • Emmeline Pankhurst: Little People, Big Dreams – Lisbeth Kaiser


Important Information

  • We have PE on a Tuesday so please come to school in your PE Kit on this day.
  • Spellings will be sent home every Friday and will be tested each Friday. This will begin in Week 2.
  • Home reading books will be changed on a weekly basis – 2D – Wednesday and 2T the day written on your child’s reading record. Please ensure your books are in school on your given day so they can be changed.
  • We go to the school garden each Wednesday for our Wellie Wednesday lesson. This is where we take part in cross curricular outdoor activities linked to our topic so please make sure you have your wellies and waterproof coat in school.